The largest organization of physicians in Colorado, CMS champions health care issues that improve patient care, promote physician professional satisfaction and create healthier communities in Colorado.

About CMS

Founded in 1871, the Colorado Medical Society (CMS) is the largest organization of physicians in Colorado, with more than 7,000 members across all specialties and employment settings. Organized as a Colorado nonprofit 501(c)(6), corporation, CMS operates with 11 full-time staff.

Philanthropically, CMS created the CMS Education Foundation whose mission is to support education by providing scholarships to worthy Colorado medical students.

Through the years, CMS has also played an instrumental role in the formation and support of vital Colorado institutions such as COPIC, Center for Personalized Education for Professionals (CPEP) and Colorado Physician Health Program (CPHP), all as part of its mission to improve Colorado’s health care environment for physicians and the patients they serve.

Lastly, CMS created and manages both its nonpartisan political action committee, COMPAC, whose goal is to support and elect pro-physician, pro-patient candidates on the state level, and the CMS Small Donor Committee, which works to elect candidates who support medicine’s efforts to preserve Colorado’s stable tort environment.