
for medical society membership in Colorado

Your membership matters…

Membership with the Colorado Medical Society is more than just belonging to a consortium of physicians. It means legislative, regulatory and legal advocacy, connectivity with your peers – outside of where you work and personalized support at every stage of your career. You focus on caring for patients. Let us fight the battles facing your profession.

Membership practically pays for itself:

  • Up to 75% tax-deductible as a business expense
  • Often reimbursable by your employer
  • Copic-insured physicians can receive a 10% discount on medical liability premiums*
  • Dues may be deducted from an education fund

*terms and conditions may apply based on existing contractual obligations between you, your employer and/or COPIC.

Join CMS
Please provide your first name, last name and Colorado medical license number to begin:
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You do not need to include the ‘DR’ or leading zeroes (‘0’)