Physician Wellbeing Resource Center

Questions about CMS’s physician wellbeing efforts? Contact

Quick resources


Doc2Doc Wellbeing Consulting Program

Colorado Medical Society launched Doc2Doc Wellbeing Consulting in March 2023. This program provides all Colorado physicians and medical students three free, confidential, pre-clinical peer wellbeing consultation sessions. Call 720-810-9131 and schedule a follow-up visit or video/phone call from a physician trained in psychiatry. More information.

Center for Personalized Education for Professionals (CPEP) 

303-577-3232 CPEP’s mission is to promote quality patient care and safety by enhancing the competence of physicians and other health care professionals.

Colorado Physician Health Program (CPHP) 

303-860-0122  CPHP’s mission is to promote the health and wellbeing of physicians and PAs through evaluation, treatment, referral, support, education and research.

Physician Support Line

1-888-409-0141 Psychiatrists helping U.S. physicians and medical students navigate the many intersections of our personal and professional lives. Free, confidential, and anonymous. 

Categories of CMS Physician Wellbeing (CPW) Peer Support Components

System interventions

  • AMA Recovery Plan for America’s Physicians – The American Medical Association is leading a movement to fight the system-level drivers of physician burnout, focused on removing administrative burdens, providing real-world solutions and helping physicians rediscover joy in health care.

Mental and Spiritual Health – mindfulness/meditation resources and groups, stress reduction tools/resources, resiliency

  • Colorado Physician Health Program (CPHP) – a nonprofit organization providing confidential peer assistance services for licensed physicians and physician assistants of Colorado; CPHP also has training program contracts to serve resident, medical students and physician assistant students
  • VitalHearts | The Resiliency Training Initiative – program offered via Zoom and in-person, Denver based; trainers are all certified trauma experts with experience, grant funded and work with the entire health care team
  • Integrated Work – six-part leadership development series that will explore how to be an inclusive leader by understanding what it really means to hold space for others, and cultivating genuine curiosity and active listening skills while gaining a deeper understanding of themselves and others
  • DocWorking – company providing physician coaches and courses that meet the unique needs of doctors and help them reach whatever goals they envision
  • Crisis Response Care Klove Programs – non-denominational training for physicians and first responders, Crisis Response Training (CRT) and Certification Programs is about impacting communities through training and supporting many first responder networks
  • Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Dr. Jo Shapiro-Peer Support program – training for organizations on how to do peer support programs
  • RISE Program at Johns Hopkins – training for hopspitals to deliver peer support to employees in distress; used by Denver Health
  • Centers for Diesase Control and Prevention Well-Being Concepts – informational webpage on the CDC website defining wellbeing and efforts to improve wellbeing

Physical Wellbeing – fitness centers, therapy pools, outdoor adventures, physician groups that regularly meet

  • Walk with a Doc – free doctor-led walking groups in communities around the world; these ongoing events allow participants to safely walk, learn about current health topics, and meet new people

Nutritional and Dietary Resources

Career Counseling – entering medicine, entering/changing practice, exiting practice, retirement

  • Colorado Volunteer Physician Opportunities – section of the COPIC website jointly sponsored by COPIC and the Colorado Medical Society. Under the leadership of Robert Yakely, MD, a group of retired physicians oversee resources for physicians nearing retirement.

Clinical Volunteerism – resources, current rural and urban needs

Personal Satisfaction – Family, social and collegial experiences and wellbeing, social meetups

Medical Wellbeing and Prevention of Disease – made possible by preventive care, nutrition/eating healthful foods and getting exercise, especially in green environments that lower stress

Physician Wellbeing News and Scientific Literature

Upcoming Physician Wellbeing Workshops, Webinars and CME

  • More coming soon!

Recent Past Physician Wellbeing Workshops, Webinars and CME

  • CMS webinar: Breathing for Wellness; view the recording.
  • CMS webinar: Doctor’s Orders: Prioritizing Wellness Within the Medical Community; view the recording.
  • CMS webinar: Grief: What It Is and How to Cope Moving Forward, May 14, 2024; view the recording.
  • Nov. 15, 2023: Wellbeing event hosted by the Denver Medical Society Foundation and supported by CMS, CPHP, Denver Health and more.
  • Nov. 29, 2023 – Running on Empty: Physician Stress and Wellbeing, hosted by Colorado Physician Health Program and Colorado Medical Society. 
  • Living Room Conversations: Colorado Springs; a small-group discussion of the book “Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being” by Martin Seligman. Oct. 12, 2023
  • 2023 American Conference on Physician Health | Oct. 11-13; hosted by the American Medical Association, Stanford University School of Medicine, and Mayo Clinic in Palm Desert, CA.
  • El Paso County Medical Society | Finding Joy in Medicine, Wednesday, April 26, 5:30-8 p.m. ENT Administration Complex, 11550 ENT Pkwy, Colorado Springs CO 80921
  • Denver Medical Society Foundation | Running on Empty: Physician Stress and Wellbeing, Wednesday, May 24, 2023, 6:30-8 p.m., COPIC Insurance Building, 7351 E Lowry Blvd, Denver CO 80230
  • VitalHearts | Online Secondary Trauma Resiliency Training – April 3, 10 and 17, 2023; Mondays, 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. MT via Zoom; cost: $1,150 (partial or full scholarships may be available for qualifying individuals or agencies); inquire to for more information.
  • American Medical Association webinar: Addressing physician burnout – March 9, 10 a.m. MT. Join AMA President Jack Resneck, Jr., MD, the U.S. Surgeon General, Vice Admiral Vivek H. Murthy, MD, MBA, and a panel of physician wellness experts as they discuss the symptoms and drivers of physician burnout and examine solutions to address this crisis. On-demand recording here
  • VitalHearts | The Resiliency Training Initiative – Jan. 20, 27 and Feb. 3, 2023; Fridays, 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. MT via Zoom; cost: $1,150 (partial or full scholarships may be available for qualifying individuals or agencies); inquire to for more information.