The largest organization of physicians in Colorado, CMS champions health care issues that improve patient care, promote physician professional satisfaction and create healthier communities in Colorado.
CMS Strategic Plan
To champion health care issues that improve patient care; promote physician professional satisfaction; serve as a place of inclusion and belonging for all Colorado physicians, residents and medical students; and create healthier communities in Colorado.
CMS will be the leader in making Colorado the best state in which to provide and receive the safest, highest quality and most cost-effective medical care.
LEADERSHIP: We serve with integrity, using an open and credible process that is grassroots responsive to build consensus among our diverse membership.
PROFESSIONALISM: We demonstrate ethical and technical excellence in the service of physicians and their patients.
EVIDENCE-BASED: We make decisions based on science that are data-driven, member-responsive, and patient-centered.
INNOVATION: We embrace and drive change for better health and health care.
COLLABORATIVE AND PHYSICIAN-DRIVEN: We work with others to find common ground and solve problems. We also fearlessly fight for collective physician priorities.
Strategic Priorities
PROFESSIONAL SATISFACTION: State-of-the-art advocacy will focus on member priorities to positively impact rewarding physician careers.
EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION: Dynamic exchange of information with members will ensure timely action on their priorities.
HELPING PHYSICIANS WHEN THEY NEED HELP: We will be a primary source for assistance when Colorado physicians need help.
DIVERSITY EQUITY AND INCLUSION: We will be a force for change across Colorado to drive inclusion and belonging for all physicians, residents, and medical students while advancing public health and health equity for our patients.
ORGANIZATIONAL EXCELLENCE: We will demonstrate value to current and future CMS members and engage members from diverse backgrounds in leadership opportunities.