2024 physician priorities survey

2024 physician priorities survey

The Colorado Medical Society consistently polls members to tailor our services to your needs. Your input guides how we adapt to the ever-changing health care landscape. CMS conducted a survey in the first quarter of 2024, polling member and non-member physicians to gauge how Colorado physicians perceive CMS and our value.

Physicians — both members and non-members, across diverse practice settings — reveal struggles in open-ended survey responses. Just 28 percent of non-members are likely to recommend a career in medicine, compared to 43 percent of CMS members – perhaps suggesting possible lower burnout and greater satisfaction.

Numerous respondents describe frustration with continuing challenges on physician autonomy, burnout, administrative burdens and other issues. The image of medicine and science has declined in some communities, and trust in science/doctors has dropped.

CMS continues to be a reliable source for advocacy, information and education among members. We take this responsibility at the highest level.

Physicians are busy and high engagement is not possible for everyone. Whatever the level of your engagement, CMS continues to fight and support you and promote the care you provide to patients. However, we need non-members to invest in membership to boost our strength in numbers; our opponents have significant resources, and we can only match them at the Capitol, in board rooms and in courtrooms with a large force in numbers.



  • 114 non-members in active practice gave results to the survey
  • CMS outreach/partnerships allowed us to distribute a link to an open survey

CMS members

  • 530 members gave a full response to the survey, of a total of 6,098 members emailed (with 29 partial surveys), giving a 9% response rate
  • For the sample of 530 members, the margin of error is +4.3% at the 95% confidence level